about9 - 12print
Wet dreams
Sexual orientation


Puberty is about more than periods and wet dreams, and it isn’t a process that’s limited
by gender! It’s a part of adolescence that
can happen at different times and in different ways for every body. Talking openly about puberty, helps to understand what to expect, so teenagers can approach the changes with greater confidence and feel better supported through their experiences. Puberty is the time
when kids mature into young adults through physical and emotional changes.
This doesn’t happen all at once, but slowly over time. Parents often wonder how to help their child through these changes. Talk to your child about their changing body and answer their questions.


Talking about periods shouldn’t be one
big talk at a particular age. Instead, start the conversation early and slowly build on your child’s nderstanding. Girls and boys need reliable information about periods. So make sure you talk to your sons, too. For example, if your 4-year-old sees a tampon and asks what it’s for, you could say, “Women bleed
a little from their vagina every month.
It’s called a period. It isn’t because they’re hurt. It’s how the body gets ready for a baby.
The tampon catches the blood so it doesn’t go on the underwear.” Over the years,
you can give your child more information
as he or she is ready.